Companies are constantly looking for lead sources or exploring many marketing strategies to find good, quality applicants. Today, everyone is placing ads on job boards, billboards, using email campaigns, the company career page, and much more. Each of these strategies cost time and resources. However, there is a better recruiting source using today’s social networking outlets, that makes looking for a job much easier for these qualified candidates. It’s less work for you, and much less expensive than you think.
Your existing “pre-qualified” applicant pool is your best source of additional candidates, and you don’t have to do any additional work to gain access to them. Just let your existing candidate pool do the work for you.
So here’s an example of how something described above might work. In a typical application process all applicants go through an assessment. At the end of the assessment those applicants that “pass” or master a certain aspect of the assessment can move on to the next step and earn a mastery “badge.” This badge is an endorsement by the company that they have the skills necessary to do the job. In turn each applicant can choose to automatically post their badge on their social media pages (i.e., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.). The badge asks for an endorsement from their friends and offers their network of friends the opportunity to also apply to your company. Essentially, you gain information about your candidate’s mastery of skills, and at the same time get leads from that candidate through their social network of friends and colleagues.
Companies using this strategy have found:
- 45% of individuals that “earn” a badge through the assessment are choosing to post their badge publically on their social media sites and;
- 25% of those that post their badge, additional leads for the company have been generated
And this happens without any additional resources or time spent by the company marketing to find candidates.
Related Resource: Pre-Employment Assessments: Everything you need to know
Related Blog Post: Sales Skills Assessments