AlignMark’s Recorded Webinars
Our library updates frequently. Please check back regularly to see new additions to our webinar library.
3 Innovative Ways to Attract and Retain Talent
See AlignMark’s CEO, Cabot Jaffee alongside Donovan Pyle, CEO of Health Compass Consulting and Dick Finnegan, CEO of C-Suite Analytics as they discuss some of the methods that they have found successful in attracting, hiring and retaining top talent for any organization.
During this one-hour Webinar, each leader will share their expertise as well as have a Q&A to allow you to ask any questions you may have as well.
Key takeaways:
1. Dr. Cabot Jaffee will address several areas of the hiring and recruiting process dealing with hiring the next generation, using new innovative hiring techniques and how to ensure inclusivity in your hiring process.
2. Dick Finnegan will talk to his own retention methodology that cuts turnover 30% or more.
3. Donovan Pyle will show us how the waste trapped in OPEX (Operating Income) can be turned into earnings that can be used to attract and retain talent.
How Qiagen increased sales & developed their people through assessments
Join AlignMark’s CEO, Cabot Jaffee and Qiagen’s Darryl W. Gresham, Vice President – Head of Global Commercial Performances as they discuss what a makes a successful sales assessment and the overall effect it will have on your sales team. Qiagen will give a unique view on how it has helped the development of their sales team from their experience using the product. .
Qiagen is the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions that enable customers to gain valuable information from samples containing DNA, RNA and proteins. Qiagen identified a need to improve the sales effectiveness of their team and embarked on a project to accomplish this goal in a quick and cost-effective manner.
Qiagen’s was looking to increase revenue, provide development opportunities for its salespeople, lower turnover, and more. In this 45-minute workshop, Daryl and Cabot will discuss how AccuVision Sales Assessments are so successful in improving sales performance.
Key takeaways:
– The sales skills that should be measured during the development process.
– How this sales assessment handles a worldwide environment.
– Role that assessments play improving sales effectiveness.
– How Qiagen used assessments to develop its sales team and the outcomes have resulted from it.
– The return on investment for utilizing assessment in the selection and development process.
New Way to Recruit and Hire the Younger Generations.
Recruiting and selecting Millennial and Generation Z job seekers must be different than it has been in the past. It is time to evaluate how you currently recruit and hire employees and identify what might need to change in order to keep pace and be in better position to hire this young talent.
Right now, the Millennial and Z generations account for about one third of the total labor force. This will only grow in the next decade and beyond as baby boomers retire from the workforce. These two generations have very different expectations when it comes to the world of work and the hiring process. Much of this generation has grown up with the boom in technology and use the internet for literally everything! It is important when hiring to be able to mirror these interactions to help engage these younger generations.
In this 45-minute session participants will walk away with the following:
1. Why a paradigm shift is needed in most companies’ application processes
2. An understanding of what Millennial and Generation Z applicants are looking for in an application process
3. How to recruit these generations like they want to be recruited
4. How to use video the correct way in the recruiting process.
Video-based Job Applications – A True Paradigm Shift in Hiring
Today almost 100% of companies still use a text-based application. Companies need to change this practice if they are going to compete for candidates in the future, especially if the candidates are from the millennial generation. While the process of posting a job and collecting application data is fine, the way it’s collected needs to change. Today a company has options.
Video-based job applications exist which create an interactive, video-based, experience for candidates that does more than just collect data. As applicants interact with the System they are getting information from the company and at the same time providing the company information on him/her. The company is able to provide their employee value proposition and actively recruit the candidate from the first second the candidate shows interest in a job.
In this 45-minute session participants will walk away with the following:
– An understanding of the difference between a video interview and a video job application.
– Pros and cons of using video techniques in the recruiting process (and yes there are cons)
– Why a paradigm shift is needed in most company’s application processes
– 5 Key benefits to using a video-based job application
Getting The Most Out Of 360 Feedback – FIFCO Weighs In
360 degree feedback can be very effective in evaluating and developing leaders. However, not all 360 feedback projects are the same. There are many factors that make the 360-degree feedback more or less effective. FIFCO Talent Development Manager, Rob Wrights joins Dr. Cabot Jaffee, AlignMark President & CEO to discuss what makes their 360 feedback process successful.
FIFCO is among the top 10 beer companies in the United States and has some of the biggest brands in brewing: Seagram’s, Labatt Blue, Genesee, Imperial, and Magic Hat (just to name a few). FIFCO takes leadership development seriously and it is paying off for them.
Join us for our 45-minute workshop and hear Rob discuss his secrets for getting the most out of 360 feedback and coaching process.
Key takeaways:
– How FIFCO has used 360 surveys to successfully develop their leadership team
– Best 360 practices implemented at FIFCO
– Toughest challenges associated with 360’s and how FIFCO overcame them
Hiring in 2020: How Chick-fil-A is Changing the Game
Hiring in 2020: How Chick-fil-A is Changing the Game
Join us for our 45-minute workshop with Chick-fil-A store owner Frank Yurchak as he discusses his secrets for hiring top-performers while saving time and money.
When you think of Chick-fil-A you probably think of the world class service (okay, and maybe their chicken). But not only are they dominating the fast-food industry with their customer service and food, they are also trailblazers when it comes to hiring. In this 45-minute workshop, we will dive deep into what makes a Chick-fil-A successful from a PEOPLE perspective. AlignMark’s CEO, Dr. Cabot Jaffee will be doing a Q&A with Chick-fil-A store owner, Frank Yurchak and discuss best practices for hiring top-performers no matter what industry you are in.
Key Takeaways:
– How to hire top-performers that deliver on the Chick-fil-A High Quality promise
– Best practices for creating a cost-effective hiring process
– Key attributes of top-performers
– The importance of keeping applicants engaged throughout the hiring process
– All attendees will receive our complimentary guide: New Ways to Recruit the Millennial Generation
The Affects of the Coronavirus on Talent Acquisition: How to Prepare for the Future
How will talent acquisition change during and after this crisis?
Pretty much every company across the globe has been affected by the Pandemic we are facing. Conducting business has changed more rapidly than ever could have been imagined. As HR professionals we must be willing to change our existing processes as quickly as everything else has changed. If you don’t start changing now you will not be prepared for the aftermath of this Pandemic. Get your hiring process ready for a glut of applicants, times of high unemployment, and a continued worry about future crises. Now is the time to make a major change in your job application, and hiring processes.
Join our 30-minute interactive session and you will learn:
– How to change your recruiting efforts in times of high unemployment?
– How to be a compassionate professional while still being fiscally responsible to your organization.
– New ways to lower the number of in-person interviews while maintaining a robust job application system.
– How to be more efficient with your time and the candidate’s time as you have to do more with less.
– How to better communicate your employee value proposition, especially to the high potential candidates.
– The lasting effects of a good job application experience and how that turns into an asset for your company.
Your 7-Step Playbook to Winning with 360 Feedback
If you’re thinking about conducting 360 feedback within the next few months, you won’t want to miss this session!
In this 1-hour session, AlignMark experts will cover seven key best practices that separate exceptional 360 feedback processes from the rest – including communications, administration, reporting, feedback discussions, and ongoing feedback and coaching.
You’ll walk away with practical advice for:
• Building excitement and commitment for an upcoming 360 process
• Maintaining confidentiality and encouraging candid feedback
• Keeping things SIMPLE and STREAMLINED!
• Changing mindsets (it’s NOT about your “scores”)
• Building accountability into the process from the beginning