Investing in a 360Feedback program for any business costs money and can take a considerable amount of time. To ensure the time and money is spent well it is important to have a plan for what a successful implementation looks like. Follow these 3 steps to making the 360Feedback implementation process a win for the focal participant, their manager as well as the company in general.

1. Set clear expectations with everyone involved

The first step in 360Feedback Implementation is to set clear expectations with all of the individuals involved in the process. The reason for doing a 360Feedback assessment must be clearly communicated to the entire team that will be involved in order to ensure buy-in as well as eliminate any reason for concern by the focal participant.  Running a 360Feedback program can be a great way to build trust with the entire team. It can send the message of development as well as show direct reports that their opinion matters. Be sure you send the message that will be most helpful to the reason for doing the 360 program to begin with. And equally important is to follow through with what you promise.  For example, if you communicate that the participants will be the only ones to receive their reports then make sure no one else receives the reports.  The last thing you want is for the developmental exercise to be perceived as being part of their performance appraisal.

2. Use a project plan to help with 360 Feedback implementation

Nobody likes to be involved with projects that aren’t well run. A project plan will make the 360Feedback process run smooth. It should be clear who is in charge of what and when certain events will occur. For example, the entire team should be aware of when the surveys will go out and when they need to have them completed. The person in charge should keep those dates firm and send many reminders along the way. The point is – be organized and use a structure that will ensure the project gets started on-time and completed on-time.  Another benefit of the project plan and sticking to it is that the process does not drag out over time.  This is a process that can be completed in 2-3 weeks at most.  The project plan helps convey the message that this is important and has a deadline associated with it.

3. Use the report to set in motion a development plan

The trap of 360Feedback is that it is over when the report is done. Nothing could be further from the truth. The report should be the kickstart to creating an Individual Development Plan for the focal participant. Remember, the point of 360Feedback is to identify behaviors that need improvement and hidden strengths that can be better utilized. Now the opportunity to develop those behaviors and hidden strengths is created by the 360 process – make the most of it! Create a development plan and use a coach to help the focal participant reach their goals.

Using 360Feedback is a great way to develop companies most important asset – their people! Don’t make the process an event, use these 360Feedback Implementation steps to help create a successful process that improves your people and create a culture that shows you care and are willing to invest in your employees.

Related resource: 360 Degree Feedback: Your Complete Guide

Related Blog Post: What is 360 Degree Feedback and How to do it right