How to Minimize Applicant Drop Off Rates

Candidates apply to many companies when they search for a position. In 2022, jobs are plentiful, even as the economy could be entering into a recession. For hard to fill jobs like truck drivers with over 200,000 openings nationwide, the applicant has the upper hand. If your company uses a difficult job application process, it could be challenging to get applicants through the process of even applying.

Other companies, such as startups, may have a high bounce rate because applicants demand more job perks and appealing packages, which a young firm may struggle to provide. These companies could benefit from a deep dive into who they would be appealing to and tailor their application process for them specifically.These bounce rates can reduce when you use the correct recruitment tactics.

Here, we’ll discuss suggestions and tactics for reducing applicant drop off rates in your current recruiting process.

What Is The Significance Of Calculating The Job Application Drop Off Rate?

Evaluating your recruiting process is a crucial step that may help you make accurate forecasts for future available positions and provide a positive applicant experience. Among the most critical components of this assessment is determining how many candidates walk out at each step of the recruiting process. In addition, a precise picture of the bounce per step is necessary to determine whether particular recruitment stages are too stringent or too permissive in applicant selection.

When combined with the reason for the bounce, this insight can assist you in determining which recruiting steps may require rearrangement or even removal. You can smooth your whole recruiting process by getting a defined view of the number of bounces at every level of the hiring process. For example, some recruiting strategies may provide an excessive number of qualified prospects for subsequent stages, resulting in a hiring backlog.

A higher applicant bounce rate might suggest that you are accidentally losing applicants.

How to Minimize Applicant Bounce Rates

Make the procedure clear and simple from the outset.

Honesty and openness are the two most crucial aspects of the recruiting process, yet they are also the areas where organizations frequently fail. Start appropriately by making the application and hiring processes clear from the beginning, whether on your careers website or when applicants click into a position to apply.

This clarity will provide the applicant with a clear understanding of how the procedure will function. Still, it will help them tailor their applications and resumes to fit the requirements. Consider including an instructive document or video to help if the procedure is long owing to regulatory requirements.

Streamline the hiring process

Automating your recruiting process begins with job postings and applicant monitoring and continues through the hiring process. In addition, automation technologies may help keep top personnel motivated throughout the process, from candidate acquisition to background verification.

The applicant path from application to interview planning may be automated using recruitment technology.

Making a solid and exciting first impression on a candidate inculcates value, enabling you to build a positive and compelling connection with them as they progress from applicant to employee. How can you strengthen this bond while lowering applicant attrition?

Simplify your job description

You’ve piqued their curiosity, which is half the fight; having them engaged in the other! Approximately 80% of candidates drop out of the application process. Why, though, is that? The leading cause for this is the time it takes to finish them vs. the likelihood of their progressing to the next step.

Don’t skip out on the chance to make a great first impression of your company — the job application. Candidates may skip out on a job application if it is repetitive, lengthy, or unclear. According to Sullivan, 9 out of ten potential applicants at Fortune 500 companies abandon their applications due to a complex application procedure.

Talent acquisition staff may simplify enrollment from a smartphone, offer applicants a rough guesstimate for fulfillment at the start of the journey, and include desktop resume processing capability to save applicants time.

Promptly provide response

Finally, once the application process is complete, it’s a good idea to respond that you’ve accepted a person’s application and that you’ll contact them soon. This communication is yet another excellent chance to define your procedure and drive the prospect to collateral related to your organization and culture, thereby improving the candidate pool and buy-in.

Following every stage of the recruiting process, following up with your application as soon as possible is courteous. One of the most typical blunders is having failed candidates wait hours, if not weeks, for a response. In the worst-case situation, they don’t get any answer, which might hurt your brand’s recruitment reputation. Remember that each person has invested time and effort in applying for the position.

In exchange, you may present them with an explanation for their exclusion from the recruiting procedure and practical criticism so they can better (if they ask for it). In this manner, you’ll ensure that the applicants have a positive impression of you and that you don’t discourage any other possible prospects from applying.

Mobile Optimization

Ensure that your career website, recruiting website, or job board is mobile-friendly. This accessibility implies that your website will adapt to whichever device the applicants utilize while remaining optimal.

And it’s worth attaining since 40% of job searchers look for employment on their smartphones, so if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you potentially lose out on many good players. Make sure they can do whatever they want, whether just looking up business information or starting the application procedure.

Assess technical abilities effectively

We recommend checking applicants’ technical abilities early in recruiting to locate acceptable individuals and decrease dropout (or bounce) rates. Rather than investing in smart boards or puzzles, consider employing work sample exams representing the position. While interacting with you, your prospects will access the resources they typically have. In addition, this process will assist them in simulating the work atmosphere they would encounter if hired.

You can manage the entire test plan if you utilize a framework such as TalentScore. You’ll be able to filter out the best prospects swiftly and welcome them to professional screening interviews and have all of the assessments graded immediately. In addition, because the procedure is shorter, assessing tech abilities first significantly lowers the bounce rate.

Most Important Tip: Transparency & Clarity

Make it evident from the beginning of the process what is required of them if they are to succeed and what they should anticipate from you. Make sure your position description adequately specifies the essential abilities, experience, and characteristics and the perks, remuneration, and culture. Please include as much precise information as possible. Don’t attract them with the job role at the beginning of the process; instead, engage them in the application procedure when they discover an age restriction or an essential skill they lack.


When structuring your hiring process for low applicant drop off, the essential lesson is that you need a future-proof strategy tailored to your company and the employment market you’re hiring in.

You may want to create a more efficient procedure or enhance data collecting while making sure you’re recruiting the proper people and the correct kind of people for your vacant positions. Irrespective of the issue you’re attempting to solve, we advocate taking a more comprehensive approach rather than concentrating on applicant bounce rates.

But that’s not all: even if your prospects don’t win the job, the more excellent experience they have applying for it, the more inclined they are to tell others about it. Again, putting first impressions and brand recognition is essential, so research how you may enhance your application procedure right now.

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