Frequently Asked Questions

What is a video-based job application?
It’s simple. Think of a regular job application and then move it into an online video experience with an actual person walking the applicant through the application process. This interaction allows for a better experience for the applicant and a better way to collect more relevant information for the hiring company. It ends up creating a better understanding of fit for the candidate and the company, all while saving time.
How do video-based applications save a hiring manager time?
Candidates can apply anytime from any location, the system automatically screens candidates through better data collection using video-based questions, allowing hiring managers to proceed with only the best candidates.
Is AccuRecruiter the same as an ATS?
NO. AccuRecruiter is a pre-screening tool. AccuRecruiter does have a light ATS as part of the back-end of the software which allows hiring managers to better manage their applicants. Some of our customers use AccuRecruiter as their ATS and some want it integrated with their current system, which is easily done.
How can video applications improve corporate branding?
Typically, job applications are seen as a one-way street, allowing for the applicant to only know there is a job and they are applying for it. AccuRecruiter begins every applicants journey with a branded message by the company, giving them the opportunity to sell the applicant their unique value proposition. Then with every response the applicant gives, the company is able to immediately show their employee value proposition. The entire experience also involves corporate branding because it is overall a much more streamlined process which leads to better applicant experience.
Why should I use pre-employment screening?
Our typical client has the following problems: They have an ongoing hiring need and they need to keep hiring expedited. Managing a mountain of resumes simply doesn’t work for them. Pre-employment screening helps them solve this problem without giving up on the quality of the associate.
How long does it take to get started using AccuRecruiter?
Depending on scope of the project, you can be up and running in as little as three weeks calendar time. However, there is very little work (less than 2-3 hours) required on your end as AlignMark takes care of everything.
How can AccuRecruiter help you improve your job application process?
We start with understanding your unique problem and scope of needs. We then take your existing process, tailor it for a video-based experience and work with you to make sure we are capturing all the data points required for your needs. Once this process is is completed you end up with an elegant solution that will make your hiring process 10 times more efficient.
What is AccuVision?
AccuVision is a video-based assessment tool that uses job simulation to effectively gauge the ability of your applicant or current associate to perform their job. It measures soft skills that cross over industry and job function. At the end of the assessment, a detailed report is generated which provides the candidate or current associates’ probability of success son the job, as well as specific skills-based feedback to be used for development.
What assessments does AccuVision offer?
AccuVision offers assessments in the following categories: Entry-level first jobs including; Customer service, financial services, sales, call centers, real estate sales, and others. Other job families include high performance work teams, business-to-business sales, and supervision.
Does AccuVision work with AccuRecruiter?
Yes, it can be used on its own or it can be combined with AccuRecruiter. It all depends on the needs of our clients and what works best for them.
How accurate are the results from AccuVision?
All of our assessments are statistically validated and cross-validated numerous times. The accuracy of AccuVision systems is unparalleled. Statistically the results are 4 to 16 times more accurate than most other assessments used by companies.
What is an example of how AccuVision is used by AlignMark’s clients?
Bank Tellers: We have many financial services clients which have an ongoing need of hiring and training tellers. This position requires a certain level of soft skills to ensure that the associate knows how to operate in customer facing situations. AccuVision allows for these clients to have a level of comfort that their new hires have the necessary skills to handle difficult customer facing situations. It also allows these clients to identify areas for coaching and development for existing associates.
How long does it take to start using the AccuVision assessments?
Our assessments can be turned on in a day for new customers. Should the customer decide they would like to integrate AccuVision into an ATS or some other system, it could take longer depending on the complexity of the integration.
360 Feedback
What is the purpose of a 360 Feedback survey?
Often lost in the process of doing a 360 is the purpose of the project. The purpose is and should be – positive behavior change. The whole point is for the person being reviewed by his/her peers to come away from the exercise with feedback and tools to help them make a positive change in their behavior which in turn makes them better at their position for the company and them personally.
How does a 360 Feedback survey work?
The identified participant is reviewed using anonymous surveys given to multiple rater groups of the participant being reviewed. Feedback is given through a rating system that reviews the associate on a number of levels by his/her peers, direct reports, managers, customers both external and/or internal, etc. This feedback is compiled into a report that is sent to the person at the company responsible for giving feedback to the participant. The final component of the 360 is to provide feedback to the participant that allows them to use the information to create a development plan for using the feedback they received.
How do you create a successful 360 program?
This is such an important question and the answer will define if the 360 is just an event or if it is something that will lead to performance improvement for the participant. There are two key areas of importance when conducting a 360.
1. You have to spend time on the survey content. It all starts with good relevant data and that begins with the survey content.
2. The feedback has to lead to a developmental plan for the participant. This could include coaching depending on what the plan is but it doesn’t stop with a feedback report, it STARTS with a feedback report!